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Registration & Breakfast


Emerson Auditorium

Welcoming Remarks


Emerson Auditorium

Dean Mark Taylor, Olin Business School

Opening Speaker


Emerson Auditorium

This conversation with JP Morgan Chase's Head of Sustainability will be focused on innovations in Impact Investing, global trends and the latest developments in ESG. We will discuss what responsible investors are looking for when deploying capital and what she sees coming for the industry in the future.

Jessica Matthews, Head of Sustainability

J.P. Morgan Chase

Moderated by Wendy Hershey, Executive Director, Client Advisor

J.P. Morgan Chase

Opportunities Zones


Emerson Auditorium

The new federal Opportunity Zones program has the potential to incentivize billions of dollars in capital to be invested in economically distressed and financially underserved communities.  This panel will utilize Opportunity Zones as a case study for public policy’s ability to drive capital towards impactful investments.  Topics under discussion will include an overview of the program, the legislative and regulatory history to date, specific deals that have successfully utilized Opportunity Zone financing, and strengths and weaknesses of the program as it is currently structured.

Moderator: Jonathan Goldstein, MD, Advantage Capital

Speakers: Steve Smith, CEO, Lawrence Group

Jonathan Giokas, Partner, Husch Blackwell LLP

Tim Anderson, Partner, Rubin Brown LLP

Matthew Bauer, Opportunities Zones Project Manager, St. Louis Development Corporation.

Coffee Break


Frick Forum

Global Developments in Socially
Responsible Investing


Emerson Auditorium

Mitchell Strauss, Special Advisor - Socially Responsible Investment Finance, The Overseas Private Investment Corporation

Innovative Financing Structures
for Impact Investing


Emerson Auditorium

For years investors have been deploying capital into impactful projects. Today we see a growing interest in meaningful experimentation in deal structuring, and a strong move towards finding efficiencies and seeking better results. 


Join this session to learn about the use of innovative financing structures that are helping investors and companies generate greater returns while staying aligned on a joint mission.

Miguel Ferreyra de Bone, Co-Author of "Innovative Financing Structures for Impact Enterprises in Latin America" (Olin '20)

Networking Lunch


Frick Forum

We want you to network with your peers while you are in St. Louis! Enjoy lunch and refreshments on us while having meaningful conversations with your colleagues.

Corporate Space: Opportunities and


Emerson Auditorium

Presented in partnership with The Responsible Investing Collaborative of

St. Louis

This panel with highlight how leading local corporations are implementing

sustainability practices, and the opportunities & challenges associated with ESG

integration for equity investors.

Moderator: Linda Pietroburgo, Partner, Moneta 

Speakers: Ann Marr – Vice President, Global Human Resources, World Wide Technology, Inc.

Julio Suárez – Senior Director of Community Affairs, Anheuser-Busch

Chris McDonald – Portfolio Manager, Kennedy Capital Management

Success Stories


Emerson Auditorium

This panel will cover recent successful exits by funds focused on impact investments, and how the power of capital helped expand the company's footprint and achieve better results.

Moderator: Dan Nielsen, MD – Head of ESG and Responsible Investing, Great Lakes Advisors

Speakers: Terra Neilson, AVP, Business Impact Group, US Bank CDC

Serge LeVert-Chiasson, Partner, Managing Director of Impact Investment Advisory & CCO, Sarona Fund

Brian Clevinger, Managing Director, YieldLab

Measuring & Reporting Investment Activities:  From global investment to local disinvestment


Emerson Auditorium

Panelists will discuss how innovation and the SDGs are shaping the future of reporting outcomes at a global level, and how leading Community Development Financial Institutions and their allies work locally to report on and respond to disinvestment. 

Moderator: Heather Cameron, Brown School of Social Work

Speaker:  Chris Fowle, Head of Americas, Principles of Responsible Investing

Victoria Gonzalez, Impact Investment Fund Manager, Justine Petersen

Michael Eggleston, Community Development Advisor, Federal Reserve of St. Louis

Call to action


Emerson Auditorium

After having worked in the private equity industry for over 12 years, Alberto Gomez Obregon decided to join the Impact Investing firm Acumen in 2016 to manage their global portfolios. Today the companies in their portfolio create sustainable solutions that give low-income people the power to change their lives.

Alberto Gomez Obregon, Director of Investments, Acumen

Networking Happy Hour


Knight Courtyard

Following the conference keep the conversation going over cocktails and canapés. Build the bonds that will help you take the insights you gained at the conference and turn them into actions at work. 

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